• The duration of the evaluation process varies depending on the specific needs of the individual being evaluated and the assessments being conducted. Generally, it make take 2-4 sessions. Each session length is two to three hours.

  • Yes, the assessments are designed to be engaging. We strive to create a supportive environment where your child feels comfortable and at ease.

  • Evaluation reports are completed within a few weeks after the last assessment session is completed. However, the timeline may vary depending on the complexity of the assessment and report writing.

  • During the Feedback Meeting, we will thoroughly explain the assessment results, answer any questions you may have, and provide guidance on understanding the recommendations.

  • Yes! Sharing the report might help your child’s school understand more of their way of learning. This could lead to adding special accommodations through a 504 plan or even adding special education services through an Individualized Education Plan.

    For preschool children, this can help the preschool (both private or public) understand your child’s developmental needs and learning patterns.

  • The frequency of reevaluations depends on your child’s individual needs and progress. A reevaluation is recommended at minimum every three years. We will discuss with you the recommended timing based on the initial assessment findings.

  • An Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) is conducted by a qualified professional who is not employed by the school district. Your child may need an IEE if you disagree with the results of a school-conducted evaluation or if you feel additional information is necessary to fully understand your child’s educational needs. IEEs provide an unbiased assessment and can offer valuable insights that complement school evaluations.

  • The location of the evaluations is determined on a case-by-case basis. Some clients prefer that I travel to them, while others prefer to have the evaluations conducted in the office.

  • Yes! I do offer virtual In-Take and Feedback Meetings. I understand parents’ schedules are tight, therefore I do offer that flexibility. The evaluations are the only part that must done in person.