Where struggles meet solutions

Why are these types of evaluations important?

Just as you visit the doctor to make sure your body is healthy, we offer check-ups for your child's brain and learning skills.

These check-ups help understand what your child is good at and where they might need extra help with learning, similar to how a doctor checks overall health. By learning more about how your child learns, we can make sure they get the right help and support in school.

When you understand the results of these check-ups, you can make better decisions about how to help your child learn and do well in school.

What is the struggle?

  • Overall Evaluation (Learning Disability)

    This evaluation is recommended for individuals who struggle in multiple subjects.

    The evaluation for Learning Disabilities is focused on understanding the individual's unique learning profile. This evaluation includes a series of assessments to measure various aspects of cognitive abilities, academic skills, and processing capabilities.

    The goal is to understand how the individual thinks, learns, and processes information, identifying any specific challenges they may have. It helps to provide a detailed picture of the strengths and areas where they might need extra support.

  • Reading Evaluation (Dyslexia)

    This is solely an evaluation that focuses on the individual’s reading abilities.

    The Dyslexia evaluation is focused on understanding an individual's reading and language processing abilities. This evaluation includes a series of tests to measure various aspects of reading skills, phonological processing, and other language-related abilities.

    The goal is to identify specific challenges related to Dyslexia and provide a detailed picture of the strengths and areas where they might need extra support.

  • Math Evaluation (Dyscalculia)

    This is solely an evaluation that focuses on the individual’s math abilities.

    The Dyscalculia evaluation is focused on understanding an individual's mathematical abilities and number sense. This evaluation includes various tests to assess skills such as number recognition, calculation, understanding of mathematical concepts, and problem-solving.

    The goal is to identify specific challenges related to Dyscalculia and provide a detailed understanding of the strengths and areas where they may need extra support.

  • Writing Evaluation (Dysgraphia)

    This is solely an evaluation that focuses on the individual’s writing abilities.

    The Dysgraphia evaluation is focused on understanding an individual's writing skills and fine motor abilities. This evaluation includes various tests to assess handwriting fluency, letter formation, spelling, and other aspects of writing ability.

    The goal is to identify specific challenges related to Dysgraphia and gain a thorough understanding of the strengths and areas where they may need extra support.

  • Attention and Focus Evaluation (ADHD)

    An ADHD evaluation is focused on understanding an individual’s attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity levels and patterns. This evaluation includes various tests, questionnaires, and observations to assess the individual’s behavior and symptoms associated with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

    The goal is to identify the strengths and areas where they may need additional support in managing their attention and behavior.

  • IQ Evaluation

    An IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test is focused on understanding an individual’s cognitive abilities and intellectual potential. This evaluation includes various tests to measure skills such as verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, memory, and processing speed.

    The goal is to identify the cognitive strengths and areas where they may need additional support.

  • Academics Evaluation

    An academics evaluation is focused on understanding the individual’s performance and progress in the core academic subjects. This evaluation includes various tests to measure skills, knowledge, and understanding in math, reading, and writing.

    The goal is to identify your child's strengths and areas where they may need additional support in these fundamental areas of learning.

  • Developmental / Behavioral Evaluation

    Age: Birth through 5 Years

    A developmental/behavioral evaluation is focused on understanding your child's overall development and behavior. This evaluation involves various tests and observations to assess your child's developmental milestones, social-emotional skills, and behavioral functioning.

    The goal is to identify your child's strengths and areas where they may need additional support in their development and behavior.

  • Kinder Readiness Evaluation

    A Kindergarten Readiness Evaluation is focused to determine if your child is prepared for the transition into kindergarten. This evaluation includes various tests and observations to assess your child's readiness in key areas such as language and literacy skills, math concepts, social skills, and fine motor skills.

    The goal is to gain insight into your child's strengths and areas where they may need additional support to thrive in a kindergarten setting.

  • Reevaluation for College or Graduate Students

    Reevaluations for college or graduate students are focused on providing updated information about a student's academic and cognitive functioning. These evaluations involve various tests to assess the student's current strengths, challenges, and areas of growth.

    College or graduate students could benefit significantly from these reevaluations as they provide valuable information about their ongoing academic and cognitive development. Understanding any changes in their learning needs can help students better navigate their college or graduate studies.

    The goal is to gain insight into the student's academic progress and any changes in their learning needs since their last evaluation.

  • Consultation Services

    We offer consultations to help parents navigate the complexities of their child's educational journey, particularly in understanding Full Individual Evaluations (FIEs) and Individual Education Programs (IEPs) developed by school systems.

    These processes can often be overwhelming and confusing for parents with unknown terminology and processing various phrases used in the education world.

    The goal is to provide clarity and help make the information processing more manageable. We help parents understand their child's assessment results and how they impact the development of an effective education plan. This can empower parents to make informed decisions that best support their child's academic and personal growth.

  • Bilingual Evaluations and District Contract Work

    We offer contract bilingual and general evaluations, drawing on experience with Early Childhood Assessments, X-BASS, and C-SEP evaluation styles, to assist school districts and other entities in assessing the educational needs of students. With a focus on clarity and accuracy, we conduct comprehensive assessments that provide valuable insights into students' educational needs.

    Additionally, We are proficient in writing detailed reports. With experience in Frontline for report writing, we ensure that assessment findings are clearly communicated and actionable recommendations are provided.

    The goal is to conduct accurate evaluations and produce precise reports. We understand this process plays a vital role in supporting students' academic success, ensuring that every student receives the support they need to thrive academically and personally.

Unlocking your child's full potential begins with understanding their unique learning abilities.